Fragen Sie Dr. Ozzy – Der ultimative RocknRoller klärt auf

Fragen Sie Dr. Ozzy - Der ultimative RocknRoller klärt auf
Fragen Sie Dr. Ozzy – Der ultimative RocknRoller klärt auf
Vertrauen Sie diesem Mann!

»Wenn mir jemand vor ein paar Jahren gesagt hätte, dass ich einmal einen medizinischen Ratgeber schreiben würde, hätte ich ihm eins auf die Nase gegeben. So viele qualifizierte Ratschläge kann ich ehrlich gesagt nicht geben, außer, es geht darum, wie man im Gefängnis oder gleich im Grab landet. Ich bin schließlich Ozzy Osbourne, nicht die gottverdammte Oprah Winfrey. Aber schaut her, jetzt nennen mich die Leute Dr. Ozzy. Und um ehrlich zu sein – ich liebe es!«

Inklusive Trivia-Quiz, skurrilen Anekdoten und Ozzys persönlichen Erfahrungsberichten.

Ozzy Osbourne wurde 1948 in Aston, Birmingham geboren. Mit Black Sabbath und als Solokünstler hat er über 100 Millionen Platten verkauft. Seine TV-Serie Die Osbournes war das erfolgreichste MTV-Format aller Zeiten. Er hat fünf Kinder und lebt mit seiner Frau Sharon in Kalifornien und Buckinghamshire.
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Mixing Audio 2e

Mixing Audio 2e
Mixing Audio 2e

Your mix can make or break a record, and mixing is an essential catalyst for a record deal. Professional engineers with exceptional mixing skills can earn vast amounts of money and find that they are in demand by the biggest acts.

To develop such skills, you need to master both the art and science of mixing. The new edition of this bestselling book offers all you need to know and put into practice in order to improve your mixes. Covering the entire process –from fundamental concepts to advanced techniques — and offering a multitude of audio samples, tips and tricks, this book has it all. Roey Izhaki teaches you the importance of a mixing vision, how to craft and evaluate your mix and then take it a step further. He describes the theory and the tools used and how these are put into practice while creating mixes. Packed full of photos, graphs, diagrams and audio samples, Mixing Audio is a vital read for anyone wanting to succeed in the field of mixing.

New to this edition: * Multitracks provided to help practice mixing * Fully updated with current plug-in and software version and information  * Companion website with a multitude of new samples including more macro-mixing samples  * A new sample mix: Rock n Roll

* Rounded, extensive and complete coverage of music mixing * Includes a Web site with over 700 audio samples and 8 sample mixes * Covers new topics and mixing trends such as computer centered mixing

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In drei Studien eröffnen sich überraschende neue Einsichten in Carl Orffs Biographie.

-Orff und Brecht, eine unvollendete Geschichte: Zwar hat Orff Brecht schon um 1930 vertont, und in der Theatertheorie gibt es viele Gemeinsamkeiten, aber zur Zusammenarbeit an einem Bühnenstück ist es, trotz Brechts heftigen Drängens, nicht gekommen. Fesselnd, zu verfolgen, wie sich zwei Theatergenies zugleich suchen und sich andererseits voneinander absetzen.
– Die Leipziger Oper sollte in den vierziger Jahren zu einem Orff-Zentrum werden – die Kriegsereignisse verhinderten es. Immerhin kamen mehrere wegweisende Inszenierungen zustande – darunter die Carmina Burana in der szenischen Gestaltung der Altmeisterin des Ausdruckstanzes Mary Wigman.
– Der Chemnitzer Komponist Paul Kurzbach war Schüler von Orff und bildete sich an seinem Stil. Sein Schaffensweg ist symptomatisch für die durch die Formalismus-Debatten geprägte Musikentwicklung in der DDR.

– Die drei Studien unterbreiten nicht nur unbekanntes biographisches Material, sondern geben auch Einblick in die Zeitgeschichte: neue Ausdrucksmittel als Spiegel einer kritischen Weltsicht in der Weimarer Republik, der Spagat zwischen Anpassung und Auflehnung in der Nazizeit, der Ost-West-Konflikt im Kalten Krieg und sein Niederschlag im Musikleben.

Fritz Hennenberg hat Musikwissenschaft und Philosophie studiert und mit einer Stu-die über das Kantatenschaffen von G. H. Stölzel, einem Zeitgenossen Bachs, pro-moviert. Er war Lehrbeauftragter an der Theaterhochschule Leipzig und wirkte lange Jahre als Rundfunk-Konzertredakteur, zeitweilig auch als Chefdramaturg des Ge-wandhausorchesters. 1990-97 Chefdramaturg der Oper Leipzig. Zahlreiche Veröf-fentlichungen zur Leipziger Musikgeschichte und über Brecht und die Musik. 1984 Herausgabe eines Großen Brecht-Liederbuchs. 1966 erste Begegnung mit Orff und mehrere Gespräche mit ihm. Als Konzertredakteur Programmierung von Orff-Werken: Leipziger Erstaufführung der abendfüllenden Trionfi (1975), Uraufführung des Werkbuchs II/1 – Brecht-Chorsätze (1979) und der Sprechstücke nach Texten von Brecht (1987). Forschungsaufträge des Orff-Zentrums München 1998 und 2002.
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Louisiana Fiddlers

Louisiana Fiddlers
Louisiana Fiddlers

Louisiana Fiddlers shines light on sixty-two of the bayou states most accomplished fiddlers of the twentieth century. Author Ron Yule outlines the lives and times of these performers, who represent a multitude of fiddling styles including Cajun, country, western swing, zydeco, bluegrass, Irish, contest fiddling, and blues.

Featuring over 150 photographs, this volume provides insight into the fiddlin grounds of Louisiana. Yule chronicles the musicians varied appearances from the stage of the Louisiana Hayride, honky tonks, dancehalls, house dances, radio and television, and festivals, to the front porch and other more casual venues. The brief sketches include observations on musical travels, recordings, and family history.

Nationally acclaimed fiddlers Harry Choates, Dewey Balfa, Dennis McGee, Michael Doucet, Rufus Thibodeaux, and Hadley Castille share space with relatively unknown masters such as Mastern Brack, Cheese Read, John W. Daniel, and Fred Beavers. Each player has helped shape the regions rich musical tradition.
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Kennedys Blues – African-American Blues and Gospel Songs on JFK

Kennedys Blues - African-American Blues and Gospel Songs on JFK
Kennedys Blues – African-American Blues and Gospel Songs on JFK

Kennedys Blues: African American Blues and Gospel Songs on JFK collects in a single volume the blues and gospel songs written by African Americans about the presidency of John F. Kennedy and offers a close analysis of Kennedys hold upon the African American imagination. These blues and gospel songs have never been transcribed and analyzed in a systematic way, so this volume provides a hitherto untapped source on the perception of one of the most intriguing American presidents.

After eight years of Republican rule the young Democratic president received a warm welcome from African Americans. However, with the Cold War military draft and the slow pace of civil rights measures, inspiration temporarily gave way to impatience.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Medgar Evers, the March on Washington, the groundbreaking civil rights bill all found their way into blues and gospel songs. The many blues numbers devoted to the assassination and the presidents legacy are evidence of JFKs near-canonization by African Americans. Blues historian Guido van Rijn shows that John F. Kennedy became a mythical hero to blues songwriters despite what was left unaccomplished.

Guido van Rijn is teacher of English at Kennemer Lyceum in Overveen, the Netherlands. His previous books include The Truman and Eisenhower Blues: African American Blues and Gospel Songs, 1945-1960.
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The Glenbuchat Ballads

The Glenbuchat Ballads
The Glenbuchat Ballads

Sometime in the early nineteenth century, most likely in the year 1818, the Reverend Robert Scott, minister of the parish of Glenbuchat in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, compiled a collection of traditional ballads that until now has not been published. Most of the ballad collections produced during the Scottish Romantic Revival were eventually anthologized in Francis James Childs seminal English and Scottish Popular Ballads (five volumes, 1882-96). Yet, the Glenbuchat manuscripts, containing sixty-eight ballads in four folio volumes, were not included in Childs volumes. The complete work only came to light in 1949 when it was donated to the Special Collections of the Aberdeen University Library by a descendent of the original compiler.

Scott did not give the precise locations of where he collected his ballads or name the performers, but the texts are unique and appear to have been drawn from oral sources. As such, the ballads reveal a great deal about the nature of traditional music at the time they were collected.

The Glenbuchat Ballads were originally prepared for publication by David Buchan, one of the leading ballad scholars of the twentieth century. Upon Buchans death, his former student James Moreira took up and completed his work and wrote the detailed introductory essay and annotations in this volume.

David Buchan (1939-1994) was a leading international ballad scholar. James Moreira, director of the Maine Folklife Center, has published widely on the ballads of Canada, Norway, and the United Kingdom.
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Ragged but Right – Black Traveling Shows, Coon Songs,and the Dark Pathway to Blues and Jazz

Ragged but Right - Black Traveling Shows, Coon Songs,and the Dark Pathway to Blues and Jazz
Ragged but Right – Black Traveling Shows, Coon Songs,and the Dark Pathway to Blues and Jazz

The commercial explosion of ragtime in the early twentieth century created previously unimagined opportunities for black performers. However, every prospect was mitigated by systemic racism. The biggest hits of the ragtime era werent Scott Joplins stately piano rags. Coon songs, with their ugly name, defined ragtime for the masses. Though the name itself is offensive to modern ears, it is impossible to investigate black popular entertainment of the ragtime era without directly confronting the coon songs which cleared the way for the original blues.

In Ragged but Right Lynn Abbott and Doug Seroff investigate musical comedy productions, sideshow bands, and itinerant tented minstrel shows. Ragtime history is crowned by the big shows, the stunning musical comedy successes of blackface performers Williams and Walker, Bob Cole, and Ernest Hogan. Under the big tent of Tollivers Smart Set, Ma Rainey, Clara Smith, and others were converted from coon shouters to blues singers. Throughout the ragtime era, circuses and Wild West shows exploited the popular demand for black musicians and performers yet segregated and subordinated them to the sideshow tent. Minstrel shows have long been marginalized in discussions of the history of blues and jazz. Yet this overlooked black entertainment industry helped to move blues and jazz into the mainstream.

Drawing from careful reading of the Indianapolis Freeman, Chicago Defender, and other black newspapers and mainstream entertainment trade papers, the authors reveal a torrent of creativity that swept thousands of black writers, performers, musicians, and entrepreneurs into the professional ranks despite the overt racism of the times.

Lynn Abbott works for the Hogan Jazz Archive at Tulane University. Doug Seroff is an independent scholar living in Greenbrier, Tennessee.
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Pearl Harbor Jazz – Change in Popular Music in the Early 1940s

Pearl Harbor Jazz - Change in Popular Music in the Early 1940s
Pearl Harbor Jazz – Change in Popular Music in the Early 1940s

This book is a study of a crucial period in the life of American jazz and popular music. Pearl Harbor Jazz analyses the changes in the world of the professional musician brought about both by the outbreak of World War II and by long-term changes in the music business, in popular taste and in American society itself. It describes how the infrastructure of American music, the interdependent fields of recording, touring, live engagements, radio and the movies, was experiencing change in the conditions of wartime, and how this impacted upon musical styles, and hence upon the later history of popular music. Successive chapters of the book examine the impact of these changed conditions upon the songwriting and music publishing industries, upon the world of the touring big bands, and upon changing conceptions of the role of jazz and popular music.

Not only the economic conditions but also ideas were changing, the book traces a movement among writers and critics which created new definitions of jazz and other terms that had a permanent influence on the way musical styles were thought of for the rest of the century. The book deals in some depth with the work of a number of important artists in these various fields, including, Duke Ellington, Charlie Parker, Johnny Mercer and Frank Sinatra, looks at the growing presence of bebop, the rise of country music, and the contemporary musical scenes in such locations as New York and Los Angeles. The book combines detail of the day to day working lives of musicians with challenging views of the long-term development of musical style in jazz and popular music.

Peter Townsend lectures at Manchester Metropolitan University and in the School of Music at the University of Huddersfield, England
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Prophet Singer – The Voice and Vision of Woody Guthrie

Prophet Singer - The Voice and Vision of Woody Guthrie
Prophet Singer – The Voice and Vision of Woody Guthrie

Prophet Singer: The Voice and Vision of Woody Guthrie examines the cultural and political significance of lyrics by beloved songwriter and activist Woodrow Wilson Woody Guthrie. The text traces how Guthrie documented the history of Americas poor and disadvantaged through lyrics about topics as diverse as the Dust Bowl and the poll tax. Divided into chapters covering specific historical topics such as race relations and lynchings, famous outlaws, the Great Depression, and unions, the book takes an in-depth look at how Guthrie manipulated his lyrics to explore pressing issues and to bring greater political and economic awareness to the common people.

Incorporating the best of both historical and literary perspectives, Mark Allan Jackson references primary sources including interviews, recordings, drawings, and writings. He includes a variety of materials from the Smithsonian Institution, the Library of Congress, and the Woody Guthrie Archives. Many of these have never before been widely available. The result provides new insights into one of Americas most intriguing icons. Prophet Singer offers an analysis of the creative impulse behind and ideals expressed in Guthries song lyrics.

Details from the artists personal life as well as his interactions with political and artistic movements from the first half of the twentieth century afford readers the opportunity to understand how Guthries deepest beliefs influenced and found voice in the lyrics that are now known and loved by millions.

Mark Allan Jackson is currently an assistant professor of English at DePauw University. His articles and reviews have been featured in Popular Music and Society and American Music.
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Out of Sight – The Rise of African American Popular Music, 1889-1895

Out of Sight - The Rise of African American Popular Music, 1889-1895
Out of Sight – The Rise of African American Popular Music, 1889-1895

A product of old-fashioned, back-wearying, foundational scholarship, yet very readable, this book is certain to feature importantly in future studies of early jazz and its prehistory. Highly recommended. Library Journal

This volume makes possible the study of the rise of black music in the days that paved the way for the Harlem Renaissance the brass bands, the banjo and mandolin clubs, the male quartets, and theatrical companies. Summing up: Essential. Choice Outstanding Academic Title

A landmark study, based on thousands of music-related references mined by the authors from a variety of contemporaneous sources, especially African American community newspapers, Out of Sight examines musical personalities, issues, and events in context. It confronts the inescapable marketplace concessions musicians made to the periods prevailing racist sentiment. It describes the worldwide travels of jubilee singing companies, the plight of the great black prima donnas, and the evolution of authentic African American minstrels. Generously reproducing newspapers and photographs, Out of Sight puts a face on musical activity in the tightly knit black communities of the day.

Drawing on hard-to-access archival sources and song collections, the book is of crucial importance for understanding the roots of ragtime, blues, jazz, and gospel. Essential for comprehending the evolution and dissemination of African American popular music from 1900 to the present, Out of Sight paints a rich picture of musical variety, personalities, issues, and changes during the period that shaped American popular music and culture for the next hundred years.
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Visual Vitriol – The Street Art and Subcultures of the Punk and Hardcore Generation

Visual Vitriol - The Street Art and Subcultures of the Punk and Hardcore Generation
Visual Vitriol – The Street Art and Subcultures of the Punk and Hardcore Generation

Visual Vitriol: The Street Art and Subcultures of the Punk and Hardcore Generation is a vibrant, in-depth, and visually appealing history of punk, which reveals punk concert flyers as urban folk art. David Ensminger exposes the movements deeply participatory street art, including flyers, stencils, and graffiti. This discovery leads him to an examination of the often-overlooked presence of African Americans, Latinos, women, and gays and lesbians who have widely impacted the worldviews and music of this subculture. Then Ensminger, the former editor of fanzine Left of the Dial, looks at how mainstream and punk media shape the publics outlook on the musics history and significance.

Often derided as litter or a nuisance, punk posters have been called instant art, Xerox art, or DIY street art. For marginalized communities, they carve out spaces for resistance. Made by hand in a vernacular tradition, this art highlights deep-seated tendencies among musicians and fans. Instead of presenting punk as a predominately middle-class, white-male phenomenon, the book describes a convergence culture that mixes people, gender, and sexualities.

This detailed account reveals how members conceptualize their attitudes, express their aesthetics, and talk to each other about complicated issues. Ensminger incorporates an important array of scholarship, ranging from sociology and feminism to musicology and folklore, in an accessible style. Grounded in fieldwork, Visual Vitriol includes over a dozen interviews completed over the last several years with some of the most recognized and important members of groups such as Minor Threat, The Minutemen, The Dils, Chelsea, Membranes, 999, Youth Brigade, Black Flag, Pere Ubu, the Descendents, the Buzzcocks, and others.
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Usher has been famous since he was 15. Hes acted in movies and starred on Broadway. He has his own record company and works with Justin Bieber. Hes one of the most famous faces in hip-hop. Readers will discover the story of how this artist went from singing in church to winning Grammys.
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Queen Latifah

Queen Latifah
Queen Latifah

This book tells the story of one of the most important women in the history of hip-hop. It describes how Dana Owens became Queen Latifah and went on to become a superstar in music, acting, and business. Readers will see the hard work and talent that it took to become the first hip-hop artist to have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
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Mary J. Blige

Mary J. Blige
Mary J. Blige

Mary J. Blige has had to travel a long, hard road to become the famous hip-hop artist she is today. Readers will see the way she changed from an angry teenager to a woman who gets stronger with every album all while sharing her strength with other women. Her talent and passion have taken her from singing backup for others to having three albums in a row reach the top spot on the charts.
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Justin Timberlake

Justin Timberlake
Justin Timberlake

Music fans have known about Justin Timberlake for over 15 years, since he started singing with the group

  • NSYNC. They can learn even more about him in this colorful biography, which covers everything about the superstar, from his early years on The New Mickey Mouse Club to his solo singing career. Readers will learn what hes doing outside of music, and how he continues to expand his persona as a multi-talented performer.
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  • Jay-Z


    The story of Jay-Zs life is a story of hard work. He grew up in a poor neighborhood in New York City, but now he has more number-one albums than any other hip-hop artist. He has worked with many famous people, from his wife, Beyonc, to Kanye West. Jay-Z is also a very successful businessman. His story inspires people to dream big and work to make those dreams come true.
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    The Black Eyed Peas

    The Black Eyed Peas
    The Black Eyed Peas

    Readers will learn all about one of the most popular and exciting hip-hop groups, the Black Eyed Peas. Their story began when and started rapping together in eighth grade. Things got even better for the group after Fergie joined them as a singer. With a different sound and many catchy songs, the Black Eyed Peas have become one of the most famous groups on todays music scene.
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    Shes so famous that she only needs one name. Shes Beyonc, and her story is one that hip-hop lovers cant resist. From Destinys Child to working with her husband, Jay-Z, to her own incredible solo career, she is always taking her music to new places. Enthusiasts will learn about her music, her acting career, and even her work as a fashion designer.
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    Alicia Keys

    Alicia Keys
    Alicia Keys

    There seems to be nothing that Alicia Keys hasnt done. She sings, plays the piano, writes, acts, and even has her own charity. She has been a performer since she was very young, and now she is one of the most famous women in the world of hip-hop. She sang at the Great Wall of China, recorded a hit duet with rapper Jay-Z, and doesnt seem to be slowing down anytime soon. Readers get to take a close look at this endlessly talented entertainer.
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    Music Legends

    Music Legends
    Music Legends

    Whether its rock and roll, country, or hip-hop, popular music is an important and exciting part of our culture. Over the past decades, many artists have risen to worldwide fame. This book highlights 10 legendary performers music megastars whose stories and songs touch the lives of people around the globe.
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